A cutting-edge skills assessment platform for both existing talent and hiring potential candidates. It provides insights into candidate skillsets enabling rapid and informed hiring and retention decisions. The platform provides online testing of a multitude of technology skills, psychometric assessment, language skills, cultural fitment, etc.
Uniquely, the platform also enables addition of a video clip recorded by the candidate - while answering a relevant question - this gives an overall feel of the candidate, assesses their communication skills, confidence, cultural fit - which allows the hiring manager to decide at a glance if he would like to progress this candidature by investing further hiring cycle time.
An AI-driven platform that supercharges the Talent Matching process - RapidTA identifies
matches between job descriptions and resumes based on years of digitized hiring patterns data. We at
Anlage believe in
“hiring the best fit versus first fit.”
An advanced tracking system for real-time monitoring of job openings, team productivity, and recruitment processes. It’s your real time tracking mini-ERP.